Posts Tagged ‘cruise’


Back from the Cruise!

February 28, 2010

Hello Friends!

Things have sure been interesting for us lately.  The guys have been busy on the road with a pretty hectic schedule and, in addition, have been in the studio putting the finishing touches on what just may be the best Booth Brothers project to date.

There was an unexpected free weekend when we were snowed in, yes, SNOWED IN! The guys had to cancel a whole weekend due to the extreme weather and, I admit, we took advantage of it, hibernating until the worst was over. We enjoyed lots of coffee, tea and hot chocolate, with some games and movies thrown in the mix.  It was a small blessing in the midst of the chaotic weather!

For those of you who suffered the consequences of the snow, rest assured, all of the concerts have been rescheduled and some have already been fulfilled.  That’s our guys, faithfully trudging on.

Last week was filled with sunny days on the Singing At Sea Cruise and boy, did we have a great time! As we pulled into the port, Austin, with nose to the window, kept repeating “Thehh’s my cwuise!”

Jonathan enjoyed some time at Camp Carnival and introduced himself to another boy there by saying “I’m a Booth Brother.” When, at first, the boy didn’t believe him, and said to Jonathan “Prove it!” Jonathan quickly showed his room key (that had his name on it) and proudly declared “See, I AM a Booth Brother!”

As for us girls, we relaxed as often as we could, attended a few concerts and shopped at every opportunity. (Yes, what the guys say about us at the concerts is true, we are very talented shoppers.)  In addition, I made sure to enjoy the molten lava cake as much as possible!

When we reached Nassau, we made sure to visit the local Starbucks.  Jim actually went THREE times! I have to tell you, when I introduced him to coffee, I had no idea he would like it so much! At the first of the year, I suggested that we have some sort of “Starbucks budget.”  Only time will tell if this idea is going work.  So far, not so good!

I experienced a sweet moment when a lady came to me to thank me for sharing Jim.  She reminded me that what we give to God here on earth will be given as crowns to us in heaven which we will then lay at our Savior’s feet.  I was blessed to the point of tears to be reminded that the days I’m without Jim are part of my service to the Lord!  Although circumstances don’t allow us to be at every concert, us wives are there in spirit, cheering and praising with our beloved Booth Brothers!

We Love You All!
